Beth Gatonye
I was born and raised in Nairobi Kenya . Am as social entrepreneur & massage therapist, who has lived in Rwanda for the past 10 years. I studied Esthetic arts and sciences in Kenya. I founded Seeing Hands Rwanda in 2017 to help improve the social and economic well-being of persons with visual impairments , after realizing that they are among people with the highest rate of unemployment in Rwanda and that most of them cannot meet the most basic needs. I started the initiative to help change that. Am mostly involved with day to day running of the organization.

Sonja Wiemann
Originally German, since 08/2019 in Kigali, specialist in inclusion for people with special needs, studied social and process management, consulting experiences for NGO’s in organizational and capacity development as well as process management in India and Rwanda

Cletus Fotibu
I am an entrepreneur in Kigali. Orginally from Cameroon via USA. Worked in IT in different capacities for over 20 years before moving to the lovely city of Kigali. I am also a Licensed Massage Therapist. Owns and manages a web design and social media company.
Joined Seeing Hands Rwanda as a way to give back to this community. I am the Webmaster, assists in IT training and massage therapy instructor.

Ikuzwe Callixte.
I am a Rwandan visually impaired man.
I am undergoing a masters degree in project management,
I am abachalor degree holder in economics.
I am internationally qualified in assistive technology.
I am interested in inclusion of persons with disabilities.
I joined Seeing hands as program manager.