Seeing hands community Service Program

Reaching out to visually Impaired People in Rural Areas

In Rwanda, Poor people with visual impairments and those with disabilities ,need special
considerations but they also need to be part of a general development of this country
and community to lift them and their households out of poverty . This is why Seeing
Hands reaches out to poor visually Impaired people in rural areas so as empower them to
unleash their potential by providing free training and employment. We also support with food
and other basic needs especially during the covid-19 crisis, lockdown measures to control the
spread, which has deepened pre-existing inequalities and exposing the extent of their
exclusion. Some lost jobs due to covid-19 and they have been experiencing severe
complications socially and economically.

seeing hands community outreach
seeing hands massage therapist

Free Massage Therapy services for Low-Income Individuals And Those In Need.
We believe that massage therapy should be accessible to everyone. Our main objective is to
provide free therapeutic massage services for needy individuals in the society in order to
relieve or eliminate pain, reduce side effects and symptoms, reduce the effects of depression
and return each participant to the greatest level of functioning and health possible. Our main
focus is on those with long-term physical and mental disabilities, low income minority women
with postpartum depression/anxiety, survivors of torture and trauma , domestic violence,
sexual assault victims and the elderly.

seeing hands massage therapist

Pre Covid 19 Pandemic we used to visit families. Below are some pictures of women digging (Umuganda). One main reason for our visits is to create awareness on the varied abilities of persons with visual impairment

seeing hands outreach
seeing hands outreach
seeing hands outreach
seeing hands outreach
women working the farm
Women working the farm